Winged Garden Visitors with Charlotte Torgovitsky

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

We are very pleased to have Charlotte Torgovitsky, a naturalist, long-time organic gardener, and a habitat garden educator joining us for our March 11 meeting at the Dance Palace at 1PM.

If you garden with a sense of place - being open to all of nature - a living drama unfolds; and your garden sanctu- ary becomes one of the best places to observe wildlife on a daily basis. Charlotte will take a closer look at some of the common insects, butterflies, and birds in Marin gardens so that we gain a greater understanding of the role they play in the ecology of your garden. 

Charlotte is currently serving as president of the Marin chapter of the California Native Plant Society. In 2011 she founded Home Ground Habitat Nursery, a non-profit, volun- teer powered native plant nursery. Charlotte was Garden Education manager at the Marin Art and Garden Center from 2001-2009, where she created numerous California native gardens and educational programs for children and adults.